
Friday, November 9, 2012

Ride 4: 相模湖 to 甲府 (Kofu)

85km (with detour), straight line ~75km; cycling time: 9AM to 4PM; weather: sunny; wind: slight

More photos, less words for today!

Garden at 桂月 ryokan

Corner of the garden

In the lobby of 桂月 before I leave in the morning with the owner

Bike on the shores of 相模湖

On the way to Otsuki; mountains to climb

Scene of a Japanese farmer tilling his plot, with highway on one side and rail on the other. Is this why food is so expensive in Japan? Contrast likely the result of protectionism. I hear very good rural infrastructure the result of strong farming lobby.

Typical scene in the morning. Note the small plot of farmland

Very little land in Japan...

Along Route 20. Saw many of these fruit trees. Looks like 柿子 but then the shape is a bit different to what I'm used to

Closer look

Vegetable seed stand in a convenience store. I like the "disease resistant 60 day Chinese cabbage seeds"

Modern house with traditional elements I saw along the way (close to the convenience store). I hung around here talking to JJ on the phone. I also like their red color leaved plants in the driveway

Growing rice next to the side walk... ?!?

I should have eaten here: last proper food place before the tunnel. This was around 12:30 - once through the tunnel, no real food until Kofu and unfortunately after missing lunch time (by going to 大善寺), nothing was open until 5PM (except for trusty Chinese food)

Approaching the tunnel

Looking back from tunnel entrance. After this was more or less downhill for 20kms to Kofu. A lot of climbing in the morning...!

Very long and narrow tunnel. Photo doesn't quite do it justice. The sound of deafening when trucks went paste! May consider climbing a climbing a hill vs. going through a tunnel next time! Luckily, I had a slight downhill to get me through.

End of the main tunnel

The other side. The tunnel is also significantly warmer than the outside. Funny smell as well. Not recommended for the claustrophobic!

Done - other side

House built right on the road. The woman was swatting flies like my grandma. I wanted to take a photo of her doing this but my zoom isn't good enough

Big downhill all the way to Kofu

Stopped at 大善寺, a temple dedicated to a priest who brought grapes to Japan

Inside the main hall of the living quarters

Garden behind the living quarters

Garden - really like these gardens. Maybe in the future...

Main hall again

Steps to the temple


Love the joinery

Some mighty big trees in the grounds

View from one of the prayer rooms to Kofu

Main hall. Really impressive inside complete with 佛 and 罗汉

Also a small Shinto shrine. Not sure of meaning

Quite a lot of graves here too. Apparently Japanese are Buddhists for death but Shinto for marriage.

Well, as you'd expect, Kofu has a lot of grapes

Another picture of the main temple

Everything thing infrastructure wise was in very good condition. Here using new techniques to fix old problems. Very impressed with craftsmanship generally here, esp around restorations.

On the road to Kofu


Typical wineyard here

I asked for a restaurant suggestion and was directed here - very nice place indeed but not suitable at all for one person. Too bad my Japanese is non existent...

Typical house in the surburbs. I really like the manicured trees

View of Kofu city - not much by way of character but the mountains which surround this mostly flat city creates a great backdrop

Here I am - at Kofu Station

[     ] - clan leader of the Kofu region. Suicide after defeat by the Imperial Army

The Chinese noodle shop - only place I could find serving hot food at 4:30PM. Owner is Japanese it turns out!

Big awards it seems

Honestly, I've had better noodles but I was VERY hungry!!

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